Teamwork is part of what makes companies successful. If your team isn’t getting along and feels disjointed, morale goes down, quick. Studies have shown that up 87% of employees are not engaged at work. As we know, disengaged employees are also less satisfied, less productive, and more likely to leave...

Business closings, airline shutdowns, layoffs, quarantines — every day, even every hour, it seems like there’s some new anxiety-provoking development stemming from the coronavirus pandemic. People are worried about themselves, their families, and (apparently) their toilet paper supply. Also, their money. Due to the coronavirus outbreak, over 75% of individuals are feeling significantly more nervous about...

Burnout has reached such high levels in the workplace, the World Health Organization declared burnout as an official "occupational phenomenon." Employers will not want to ignore its prevalence. In fact, they may want to enact preventative measures and solutions in order to mitigate and alleviate the adverse effects of burnout. While burnout is...

In a troubled economy, job eliminations and hiring freezes seem almost routine, but when your own company’s woes start to make headlines, it all hits home. Intellectually, you understand that downsizing isn’t personal; it’s just a law of commerce, but your heart sinks at the prospect of losing your position....

The COVID-19 pandemic has turned the world upside down, and staying home has become the new normal. Whether to comply with a local stay-at-home order or to heed public health social distancing guidance, countless businesses have sent their workforce home—to telework.  For some businesses, this was relatively painless due to...

Remote meetings are plagued with challenges. It’s often difficult to find a communication rhythm and flow, especially when there’s background noise or poor connection quality. As a result, people may feel detached or removed; they’ll engage less, be less present, and multitask more. Voices become lost, especially from people who...

As a could-be medical pandemic, the coronavirus disease (COVID-19)—the respiratory disease first detected in Wuhan, China, at the end of December, which now has more than 82,000 confirmed cases worldwide—has incited pandemonium globally, specifically among travelers. After all, planes pose a unique risk for any disease contraction: Long flights result in longer...

A couple of years ago — long before COVID-19 was an unfortunate glimmer in the CDC’s eye — some therapists made the decision to switch from in-person therapy to telemedicine. If you are someone who has usually struggled with opening up to therapists, it may be easier to be vulnerable if...

Emotional exhaustion lies at the heart of burnout. As your emotional resources are used up in trying to cope with challenging situations — such as overwhelming demands, conflict, or lack of support at work or at home — your sense of well-being and capacity to care for yourself and others is...

We’re all experiencing the COVID-19 crisis. This current state of our world involves considerable stress, overwhelming changes, and overall disruption to our daily lives and routine. While we’re all waiting for things to resolve, and therefore for the day when we can return to normalcy again, the goal is for...

Regardless of what your financial situation looks like, whether you’ve got a cushy savings account, you’re living paycheck to paycheck, or somewhere in between, one thing is for sure: managing your money is important. Budgeting effectively is what allows us to move towards our big financial goals such as paying off debt, buying...

There was a time when knowing how to program was for the geekiest of geeks. That’s not exactly the case today. As most entrepreneurs, freelancers and marketers will tell you, learning how to program can help you succeed. Over the past year, many have taken up coding to add to...

The turnover rate for hourly employees has always been, and continues to be, extremely high. Retail, for example, has a turnover rate of around 60 percent, and other sectors can be even higher than that. This is a real problem for businesses since replacing an employee costs on average upwards of $5,000, according...

Research on the composition and dynamics of the workplace have consistently shown that team members’ location has a big impact on both their physical and their digital interactions. In general, the farther apart people are, the less they communicate. in fact, the probability that any two people on a corporate...

Coffee is one of the world’s most popular beverages. Thanks to its high levels of antioxidants and beneficial nutrients, it also seems to be quite healthy. Studies show that coffee drinkers have a much lower risk of several serious diseases. Here some of the top health benefits of coffee.   Coffee Can Improve Energy Levels...

It seems ironic that when we are tired, our minds are often the most active. Lying in bed waiting for sleep to come, it can feel as though there’s an entity inside us, chattering away at record speed, ruminating and overthinking, and working against us — the voice of doubt and judgment that...

HR leaders may snag the C-suite's attention and make the business case for addressing burnout by presenting research from the numerous studies that demonstrate workplace wellness programs' effectiveness, she said. HR professionals can also poll employees, she added; Instead of conducting an engagement survey, conduct a burnout survey. As companies...

Several years ago, an HR friend invited me to visit him at work. He was the head of recruiting for a national company that makes uniforms. I was geeked to get a look behind the scenes of this well-respected employer. I knew I had crossed into another organizational dimension when...

It may be time to review your organization’s compensation policies. As business leaders focus on closing the gender pay gap and states enact broader laws covering fair pay for more workers, HR professionals may want to review their organization’s compensation policies and practices. “We’re seeing an explosion of new equal-pay...

Everyone who has ever held a job has, at some point, felt the pressure of work-related stress. Any job can have stressful elements, even if you love what you do. In the short-term, you may experience pressure to meet a deadline or to fulfill a challenging obligation. But when work...

Clearly, nurturing your relationship with money can lead to improved health, less stress, and the peace of mind you need to show up optimally for all the other relationships in your life. “Not to have to spend mental bandwidth every single day stressing about money is huge,” says Erin Lowry, a...

Multitasking and constant interruptions at work can lead people to display negative emotions in addition to stress, according to a study published last month and led by researchers at the University of Houston. Researchers used an algorithm to analyze the faces of knowledge workers while they completed an essay writing task. One...

Servant leaders are a revolutionary bunch—they take the traditional power leadership model and turn it completely upside down. This new hierarchy puts the people—or employees, in a business context—at the very top and the leader at the bottom, charged with serving the employees above them. And that's just the way...

[disclaimer]   Whether you're crushing your first 5K or working to become the next great triathlete, your cardio-intensive training goal requires more than the proper nutrition plan, speed endurance, and pair of elite running shoes. Achieving that goal on the highest level requires data. More specifically, a wearable that can record that data...

With employee turnover higher than ever despite innovative company policies (from unlimited vacation to paternity leave to generous stock option plans) becoming commonplace, it can be challenging to keep talented team members productive, engaged, and happy. In fact, according to a recent Gallup poll, only 34% of American workers feel...

Meditation is wonderful in that it’s free, always available, and amazingly effective in short-term stress reduction and long-term health. The benefits can be felt in just one session. An experienced teacher can be helpful but isn't absolutely necessary. You can learn many effective meditation techniques from a book or from...

In the corporate arena, interior designers have the goal and responsibility to create functional, practical, comfortable space. It goes well beyond the need for beautification or even branding. When it comes to office design, we should focus more on how to influence employee behaviors through the design of space, with...

Are you stressed out about your finances? If you’re not, that would make you something of an outlier. Research from the Stanford University Center on Longevity and Fidelity investments reveals that the average person experiences four stressful life events each year.  Some of these — for example, getting married, having a baby, or starting a new job —...

Maintaining healthy indoor air quality is an important step for all of your employee’s health. Regardless of whether you work in an industrial, service, or office setting, common allergens and irritants may be closer than you realize. Here are the minimum guidelines provided by the American Lung Association to help...

In HR, being a generalist requires you to wear somewhere between 10 to 1,000 hats at once: Take open requisitions, source candidates, interview them, extend a job offer—repeat. Every. Single. Day. Variety is the norm, and it isn’t always your friend. It’s very easy for the pace of a “regular”...

If you broke down an HR person into components, you might find a mix of 60 percent psychologist, 20 percent paralegal, and 20 percent administrator/compliance officer. Yet some people spend more than 40 percent of their time and effort on the legal and compliance items. This isn’t right or wrong,...

It’s never been easier for workers to collaborate—or so it seems. Open, flexible, activity-based spaces are displacing cubicles, making people more visible. Messaging is displacing phone calls, making people more accessible. Enterprise social media such as Slack and Microsoft Teams are displacing watercooler conversations, making people more connected. Virtual-meeting software...

When you think about your personal relationships, your relationship with money may not be the first that comes to mind. But it’s an important one that impacts your life in more ways than you might assume, affecting both your physical and emotional well-being. According to the American Psychological Association, money is...

Your soul is a liar. Surprised? I know it’s sad. We love to believe that our soul is pure. But energetically speaking, it’s the part of us that has free will to choose its beliefs. At times, it can be out of alignment with divine energy. If we came to...

Transitioning back to work after parental leave is hard. You’ve been out of the flow of the office for weeks or months, and you’re returning as a different person with new priorities and concerns. (Not to mention the stress and strain of endless new logistics.) It’s jarring and often overwhelming....

With a new year comes new challenges, and few have become as problematic as online or cyber threats. Martin Giles, San Francisco bureau chief for MIT Technology Review, points out that there are a number of significant cyber threats for consumers, including data breaches, artificial intelligence, and cyber-attacks as weapons, and cryptocurrency hacks. While these...

New parents returning to work face many daunting logistical hurdles. In addition to navigating the complexities surrounding daycare drop-off and pick-up and sick days, they’re also reengaging with their jobs after time away. Amidst these challenges, there’s a pervasive one many women face that’s less openly discussed: pumping breastmilk while...

Contrary to the belief of certain nay-sayers, business travel is still very much and effective tools, as it is estimated that face-to-face requests are 34 times more powerful than a request sent over the email. The learning experiences and networking opportunities at industry events are invaluable tools for companies across...

Millennials present quite the paradox—they’re simultaneously the most connected and the loneliest generation. In 2018, a national survey by Cigna of more than 20,000 Americans ages 18 and over showed that most U.S. adults are considered lonely. That particular study found that that the youngest generation of those surveyed was the loneliest of all....

Most of the scientific literature about treating anxiety and depression is rooted in either a cognitive-behavioral perspective or a pharmacological one. Despite many advances, sometimes these methods are not enough. A certain percentage of men and women will not benefit from CBT, medication, or a combination of the two. Even...

In this Refocus Session from Working for Wellness, we will work on a very simple technique that can have a big impact: Focused, purposeful breathing. In 5 peace-filled minutes, we'll learn that there are many ways for us to achieve some of the positive effects of meditation with quick pauses...

[disclaimer]   Making life more convenient and comfortable is always a good idea, especially so for today’s well-being-conscious business traveler. CWS takes a look at some useful gadgets to make the business trip less stressful and more relaxing. Even at the best of times, traveling for business can be a trying experience,...

Do you ever feel like your mind lies, sends you in circles, manipulates you, or gets you way off track? This doesn’t mean that the mind can’t help you with useful facts and information to guide your choices, but the mind has too much capacity for fear and logic, and...

In this month's edition of Working for Wellness, we go beyond the traditional topics about breast cancer to discuss how it can affect your mental health, your marriage, your finances, and your career. Through beautiful storytelling and hard-hitting facts, we offer listeners a new perspective on the importance of our...

[disclaimer]   We commonly hear (and you may have noticed these among friends and family undergoing cancer treatment) that a big change for patients is the condition of their skin. Being aware of the potential skin issues is half the battle. We typically hear about potential nausea and hair loss, but most...

There are plenty of ways to earn airline miles without ever leaving the ground. Signing up for a co-branded credit card, staying at a partner hotel, and renting a car is the most well-known, but there are some less-understood strategies that lead to cushy rewards, none more so than buying miles...

Late-night drinks with clients. Caloric airport food. Weeks of no exercise. While it may be easy to overlook the poor decisions we tend to make when traveling for business, in time, they will catch up with us. But instead of issuing warnings about how such choices can negatively impact your...

Nietzsche once said, “without music, life would be a mistake.” This rings true for most of us. Whether we listen to sad music after a painful breakup or upbeat music on our graduation day, music often plays a significant role in our most memorable life events. Memories aside, music also influences...

There are times we all feel like our body must be a liar—when we get a big pimple right before an important date or when we bloat before a black-tie event or a high school reunion. Or maybe when we melt inside looking at a picture of the person we’re...

The corner office has long been coveted real estate in the workplace. It affords privacy, often features a window and sends a clear message about status. When you hold the keys to the corner office, you've made it to the top. So why are some CEOs and other executives turning in...

Never underestimate the power of a good walk – and not just as a mid-run break. ‘Going for a “pure walk” – no running at all – allows your body to make small adaptations that strengthen your feet, knees, and hips,’ explains coach Jeff Galloway. Long, brisk walks can help...

On the off chance that you need a small but substantial fire under your ass to get moving, let's talk about why sitting, frankly, sucks. To start, sitting has unpleasant short-term effects—it can make our hips, back, and elsewhere feel stiff and tight. And if you're experiencing stiffness, pain probably...

The quintessential herb of summer, basil adds its subtle magic to just about every kind of dish from appetizer to salad to dessert. A member of the mint family, basil brings a slightly sweet Mediterranean-inspired flavor to a range of dishes. Grow your own or pick some up at the local market...

Every week a major diet fab makes news headlines or is endorsed by an increasingly fragile celebrity for all the wrong reasons. Disorders such as anorexia and purging, coupled with a line or a needle, are the rage these days on Hollywood Boulevard. All one needs to do is look...

Olive oil has been touted as one of the healthiest fats we can consume. As the trend toward improving our health (especially in the US) continues to gain momentum, the numerous benefits of olive oil find themselves in the news regularly. Aside from its incredible versatility for cooking, it also...

Occupational wellness is about the happiness and fulfillment that you get from your work. It has been defined as the ability to achieve a balance between work and leisure time, addressing workplace stress and building relationships with coworkers. It focuses on our search for a calling involves exploring various career...

Professional Liability can be complicated and to most is completely unknown. One of the questions I often get is: Why would I need Professional Liability when I already have a general liability policy for my business? General Liability is designed to address exposures relating to personal bodily injury or property...

Do you notice how much of an effort you make to get to something you really enjoy? Yoga is no different. When we enjoy our time on the mat, we’re motivated to keep coming back. Regularly. If you're pretty new to yoga, you'll want to make it an enjoyable experience...

In her book Reclaiming Conversation, Sherry Turkle, Ph.D., outlines the ways in which our reliance on digital messaging has changed the way an entire generation connects with each other. She poses that face-to-face interactions foster key human experiences like vulnerability, intimacy, and empathy—experiences that technology simply cannot offer. Turkle’s research...

Putting yourself out there can be intimidating. After all, what will people say? No one likes to be told they’ve done something wrong, but in order to grow, it’s important to push past the fear of negative feedback and take action anyway. Criticism is something that comes along with the...

As economic and political turmoil strengthen, your peers insist on challenging convention, families continue to destabilize, and social media increasingly disrupts our emotions, it’s so easy to get overwhelmed, anxious and frustrated these days. Anxiety is commonplace in the workplace, communication gaps may be widening in your life, and great...

Was your Thanksgiving marred by overindulging? Don’t lose hope if you’re trying to eat healthfully over the holidays. There are several ways you can still enjoy food at holiday celebrations without overeating. Many people assume it’s unavoidable to gain weight over the holidays, but it’s possible to combat this notion...

No one would question the fitness of cyclists tackling the Tour de France, but can the bike benefit runners? Yes, says pro triathlete Linsey Corbin. ‘Cycling is a great way to cross-train, whether you’re healthy or working through an injury.’ In a study that compared running four days a week...

In 1900 the average life expectancy in the USA was about 47 years of age; 46 for men and 48 for women. Now, just a little over 100 years down the road, the average life expectancy is 79. Advances in medical technology, improvements in living conditions, organ replacements, pharmaceuticals, etc....

Ready to reap the great benefits of team building? Here are some great ideas to get you started. Escape Room - Participants who love high-pressure challenges will get a kick out of escape room challenges. Players are placed into a physical adventure game where they must solve puzzles and riddles...

Designed as the ‘edible fountain of youth’, raw foods diets are intended to resolve physical ailments and extend lifespan. According to researchers, raw or living foods contain important natural enzymes, which aid in digestion, but cooking with temperatures above 118 ̊ destroys their nutrients and vitamins and results in the...

Have you ever wondered what’s the driving force behind the success of today’s biggest megastars? What’s the root of their success? Is it their drive, talent, beauty, innovation or business know-how? Although these qualities attract media and create high visibility, all megastars have one common thread that is fundamental to...

It’s common to see a topless runner. It’s less common to see a shoeless runner. Yet in recent years, many runners have left their shoes in the dust and are running barefoot. This peculiar workout trend is known as barefoot running, giving the expression “I’ve got soul” a whole new...

It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s…superfood! In recent years superfoods, a label for foods packed with nutrients that supposedly ward-off disease and combat aging, have become a household name on par with Superman. But are the health claims attached to superfoods true, or a fiction on par with our...

Consumers are growing wary towards genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Technologically speaking, however, GMOs are old news. A new technology is on the horizon that has the power to genetically tweak food in a whole new way. Synthetic biology or “synbio” creates rather than modifies an organism’s genetic make-up. The goal...