Garden Goods Direct | White Knight Philodendron


Philodendron White Knight is an absolutely stunning and rare aroid that is a must-have on any plant collector’s wishlist. With no two plants growing exactly the same, you can be certain when you order a White Knight that you are receiving a one-of-a-kind plant. Strisplashes of white variegation cover this plant’s forest-green foliage and make for a standout addition to any indoor space. Collectors who love the renowned Philodendron Pink Princess know just how hard these tropical plants are to come by. If you fell in love with this plant, be sure to also check out its closely related cousins: Philodendron White Princess and the Philodendron White Wizard. While these plants are very similar in appearance, there are a few key characteristics that set them apart. The biggest difference that sets the White Knights apart from its cousins, are the brownish-purplish stems, and an overall more rounded leaf shape.

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