Garden Goods Direct | Snow on the Mountain


Snow on the Mountain is a popular variegated ground cover that quickly forms a dense, weed-proof carpet, even under challenging growing conditions. Also known as Goutweed, and Bishop’s Weed, this particular variegated form is a good choice for sites where nothing else seems to succeed, such as under shallow-rooted maple trees. Loved for its light green and creamy white variegated foliage, the snowy yard plant is great for a wide range of planting projects. Botanically referenced as Aegopodium podagraria ‘Variegatum, ‘ these leafy plants are extremely hardy and grow in spots where many plants cannot. It is important to note that the Snow On The Mountain Plants does have invasive tendencies, but it is a great option for large areas with poor soil and unideal conditions. For optimal growth, plant your Goutweed in full sun in well drained soils. Because of its invasive tendencies, we don’t recommend planting near other plants, in yard borders, or in container gardens. Plant this species on its own in areas where you’re looto add some leafy foliage.

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