Garden Goods Direct | Schumi Red Peperomia


Peperomia Caperata Schumi Red plants bring a bold splash of rich burgundy color as well as a unique blend of textures with its rippled foliage. Loved for its stunning hues and small mounding form, the Schumi Red Peperomia is a truly magnificent little houseplant. Iridescent glimmers add to this plant’s unique beauty as it sparkles in the sunlight. Beyond it’s unique appearance and bold colors, this plant also boasts a low maintenance care regimen. The rippled plant, though able to tolerate medium to lower light levels, prefers conditions of bright indirect light. Additionally, the Schumi prefers a well draining soil medium and a mildly humid atmosphere. Your peperomia plant care regimen should also include regular watering. We recommend you allow your plant’s soil to dry out before watering. The easy-to-care-for plants are tolerant of a wide variety of conditions and readily adapt to their circumstances. The laidback nature of these spunky little plants makes them the perfect houseplant for beginners. Because of their small form and slow growth, the clustered red ripples make a great desk plant or window sill plant. As an added bonus the Schumi is a pet and kid safe indoor plant.

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