Garden Goods Direct | Ponytail Palm


Ponytail Palms or Beaucarnea Recurvata look like a plant from a Dr. Seuss book. These thick trunks produce a matching “ponytail” of grassy green foliage at the top. The leaves twist and curl as they cascade, resembling human hair. These plants may look silly, but they’re no joke regarding how easily they grow. Ponytail Palms like to stay mostly dry and occasionally need water. They prefer bright indirect or some bright direct light and well-draining soil. These entertaining plants do well in small containers, staying root-bound. As part of the Agave family, The Ponytail Palm thrives indoors when given bright indirect or direct light. They prefer to have dry soil and can sometimes be found in the cactus or succulent sections of garden centers because they despise staying wet. These Seussicalplants stay relatively compact when kept as houseplants because the container holds back their growth and development. The Ponytail Palm likes to stay rootbound and does well as an accent plant or focal point in a room.

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