Garden Goods Direct | Monstera Standleyana


The Monstera Standleyana, more commonly referred to as Philodendron Cobra, is one of the more sought-after philodendrons with its variegated foliage of cream white, and green. A rare and unusual philodendron, that can tolerate lower light levels, and in time will grow to an impressive height if accompanied by a moss pole. It also is great as a potted plant. The Monstera Standleyana loves partial to dappled shade and prefers not to have too much water, so keep the soil moist but not wet. We suggest you occasionally feel the soil with a single finger inserted about an inch or so into the pot. This method allows you to feel that the soil is not too wet. Too much water will cause the leaves to turn yellow. If this happens, adjust the frequency of water you give the plant.

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