Garden Goods Direct | Kale Peacock Red


Kale Peacock Red is a fall annual with frilly green leaves that surround a rosy-red colored center. Kamome Red is perfect for fall and winter gardens because it holds up to frosts and even light freezes. An ideal seasonal color extender in landscape beds and fall containers because the rosy-red color gets more vivid as the temperature drops. The heads of Kale Peacock Red reach about 10 to 12 inches across, so they fill space in even the largest landscape. Ornamental kale is often seen planted with Mums and pansies in the fall and winter months. The reliable color is always welcome in the gray days of winter, and the colorful heads can often be seen surrounded by snow. We love Kale in the flower garden and containers. Flowering Kale is often called flowering cabbage or ornamental kale in the trade. There are many colors and textures and we think you’ll find that the colors are easy to combine.

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