Garden Goods Direct | Kalanchoe Flapjack


Kalanchoe luciae Flapjack or Paddle Plant is a low-maintenance succulent that will be a wonderful addition to your home decor. Succulents are popular house plants because they require very little care. Place your Kalanchoe in a bright room and allow the soil to dry between waterings. The bright light will cause the vivid green leaves to transition to a beautiful red shade that some say is almost fluorescent in color. These Kalanchoes have fleshy paddle-shaped leaves with vivid colors reminiscent of an underwater coral scene. Kalanchoe does well in warm, arid climates but is suitable as a house plant and loves the bright and sunny corners of your home. It does well in partial shade as well mait a versatile indoor plant. Its fleshy leaves are light green with bright red edges. When stressed, this succulent appears brighter red so be sure to keep an eye on that so your Flapjack lives a long, healthy life.

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