Garden Goods Direct | Jade Pothos


Jade Pothos plants have solid green tear-shaped leaves that cascade over the side of pots. For that reason, Pothos does well in hanging baskets or plant stands where the foliage can vine freely, covering space other plants can’t. Pothos is on NASA’s Clean Air Plant List because it removes formaldehyde, xylene, and benzene from the air. This plant does best in bright, indirect light and likes the soil to stay slightly moist, and will gladly accept a missed watering here or there. Pothos are incredibly easy to take care of and are pretty rewarding houseplants. Jade pothos plants are sometimes referred to as Devil’s Ivy because it is almost impossible to kill and it stays green even when kept in the dark. Jade Pothos is an incredibly low-maintenance houseplantmaitan excellent choice for first-time houseplant buyers. Pothos has a tendency to trail and cascade, mait ideal for hanging baskets or containers in plant stands so it can cascade naturally. This plant takes extremely well to pruning and can be kept more compact and branching if it is trimmed occasionally. Jade Pothos is known to remove toxins, specifically formaldehyde, benzene, and xylene from the air indoors.

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