Garden Goods Direct | Hindu Rope Plant


The Hindu Rope plant, or Hoya Carnosa ‘Compacta’, is a popular houseplant that produces twisted, waxy leaves that emerge on cascading rope-like vines. This Hoya’s unique foliage and trailing growth make it perfect for a hanging basket. Also referred to as the ‘Indian Rope Plant, ‘ the Hindu Hoya is also loved for its gorgeous clusters of pink, fragrant, star-shaped flowers. Though it may be tempting, do not remove the spurs at the end of the vines because that is where the blooms will form. It may take some time for your Hindu Rope plant to bloom, but trust us when we say the wait is so worth it. Native to India, these flowering succulent vines are slow growing and prefer to dry between waterings. Hoya plants tend to be fairly easy to care for, given you provide them with the proper care. Place your Hindu Rope in bright, indirect light conditions and watch it thrive. Hindu Rope Hoya also enjoys moderate humidity levels. Some additional care tips we have for this funky little houseplant include placing your plant into a pot with drainage holes and using a well-draining potting mix. Good drainage and airy potting soil are key to protecting your plant from root rot. Your Hoya will also benefit from the application of a well-balanced fertilizer in spring and summer. It is important to note that Hoya Carnosa plants like to be a bit root bound. So, where your typical indoor plant wants to be repotted nearly every growing season, your Hoya likes to be left alone. Patience is key in growing a happy Hoya. Repotting the plant may only be needed once every year or two. If patient, your vining wax plant can grow to be about 2 inches thick and up to 20 feet long.

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