Garden Goods Direct | Helleborus Royal Heritage


Hellebore Royal Heritage strain most closely resembles H. orientalis. It is a collection of hybrids with a wide variety of flower colors including tones and combinations of purples, reds, near-blacks, whites, greens, and pinks. Nodding, cup-shaped, rose-like flowers (to 2-inch diameter) with overlapping petals and center crowns of conspicuously contrasting yellow stamens appear in clusters (cymes) at the tips of leafy stems from early February through April. The bloom period can be longer in mild winters. Hellebore Royal Heritage plants are bushy, clump-forming perennials that typically grow 18-24 inches tall with glossy, deeply-cut, dark green, evergreen leaves which are deeply lobed and divided into 7-10, narrow, lance-shaped to elliptic, usually-toothed segments.

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