Garden Goods Direct | Carex Evergold


Carex Evergold is a popular variegated cultivar that is ornamentally grown in part shade areas for its arching, ornamentally attractive foliage. Each leaf features a broad, creamy, yellowish-white center stripe bordered on each side by thin narrow dark green margins. Carex Evergold is easily grown in medium to wet soils in part shade. Foliage color is richer in part shade than in sun. Evergold plants tend to languish in full shade. These stunning perennial grasses thrive in moist soils, but also perform well in average garden soils, with better tolerance for periods of dryness than most sedges have. Carex Evergoldgenerally dislikes hot and humid summer climates. Some additional benefits to these stunning grasses include hardy evergreen foliage throughout most of their growing range and tolerance to a wide range of growing conditions. Where not evergreen, the foliage of Carex Evergold should be cut to the ground and removed in late winter. Plants spread slowly by short rhizomes.

SKU: 02520X3PAK Categories: ,