Garden Goods Direct | Calathea Makoyana


Calathea makoyana, also known as the Peacock Plant or the Cathedral Windows Plant, is so breathtait almost appears to be fake. It’s impossible not to fall in love with the unique pattern and colors on this gorgeous Prayer Plant. Featuring pale green leaves with splashes of dark green ovals and a deep magenta coloring on the undersides of leaves, the Makoyana’s foliage is very distinctive among other Calathea plants. Like its tropical counterparts, the Peacock prefers high humidity levels and a well draining potting mix. As a member of the Prayer Plant family, a fun feature of this plant is its moving foliage. Be amazed as the plant’s leaves rise and fall with the light levels. Some additional plant care tips for this masterpiece of a house plant include keeping a consistent room temperature of 60 to 75°F and watering with purified or rain water. The plant will also benefit from a well balanced fertilizer in the growing season. When at its happiest mature state, this plant will grow tall and slender mait perfect for small corners that you’re looto add height to. When this plant is unhappy, it will exhibit dry curling foliage, yellowing of leaves and crispy leaf tips. Why hang art when you can decorate your home with the living artwork that is the Calathea makoyana? Add this plant to your space for a uniquely fun addition to a room.

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