Garden Goods Direct | Boston Fern


Boston Fern (Nephrolepis exaltata) is a tropical indoor fern best known for growing in hanging baskets. They are versatile, easy to care for, and will thrive in partial to full shade. Boston Fern plants love humid climates and do well on porches, patios, and decks in the spring and summer. It is a weather-resistant fern; in the winter, you can bring it inside or allow it to enter dormancy outdoors. The Boston Fern plant’s lush and elegant foliage has been used to decorate homes and gardens since the Victorian era, mait one of the most popular indoor/outdoor fern plants available. Also known as the Fishbone Fern, Sword Fern, and Tuber Ladder Fern, the ornamental leaves resemble a fishbone, and the long, green fronds grow into a dense, arching cluster. Boston Ferns require moist soil, be sure to water and mist your fern regularly.

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