Garden Goods Direct | Angel Vine


Angel Vine Plants make a good trailing plant indoors, especially when planted in Hanging Baskets or grown on a shelf. The small, round green leaves appear to grow from a thin, nearly black wiry vine. They are also known as Muehlenbeckia in some plant circles. This houseplant also makes an excellent topiary and takes well to pruning and shaping. Pruning helps to keep the plant more compact and bushy, encouraging more branching. Indoors, it makes a pretty low maintenance houseplant. Angel Vine does well with bright indirect or direct light for several hours. With more light, the plants will need to be watered more often. Luckily, these plants can dry out occasionally as well. They do not need high humidity, but would not mind it either. Angel Vine takes well to pruning and will stay more compact. Sometimes, these plants can be coaxed to flower inside, but chances of flowering are better outdoors.

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