Garden Goods Direct | Ajuga Catlin’s Giant


Ajuga Catlin’s Giant (Ajuga reptans) is an evergreen ground cover perennial with purple and green evergreen foliage that spreads through shady areas in the garden where grass can’t grow. In mid to late spring, Ajuga shoots up dense flower clusters of tiny deep blue blossoms. After the season ends, remove spent flowers to let the foliage shine and keep the plant loofresh all year long. While this perennial plant loves well-drained soils and full shade, it is important to allow the plant to get good air circulation to prevent any root problems. It can tolerate full sun, but it is important to keep the soil moist. Another name for Ajuga is carpet bugle, which is a nod to the creeping habit that these perennials are known for. If the Ajuga Catlin’s Giant spreads beyond the intended area, with yearly maintenance, it can be contained; just remove the overspreading foliage including the roots.

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